Occupational Health & Safety (OHS) Legislation
Occupational health and safety (OHS) is regulated by the Occupational Health and Safety Authority Act (Chapter 646 of the Laws of Malta) and through subsidiary legislation. The national legislative framework follows a European preventive approach. Malta's accession to the European Union brought with it the transposition and implementation of all OHS Directives in the Maltese legislation so much so that nowadays Maltese OHS regulations reflect the provisions and principles laid down in European OHS Directives.
OHS legislation in force may be accessed from the official Government website (https://legislation.mt/) and are being reproduced for ease of reference hereunder:
Health and Safety at Work Act - (Act XXXIII of 2024 Chapter 646)
ACT No. XIX of 2023 to further amend the Criminal Code, Cap. 9
S.L. 646.01 - Work Places (Extension of Definition) Order
S.L. 646.02 - Dock Safety Regulations
S.L. 646.03 - Work Places (Health, Safety and Welfare) Regulations
S.L. 646.04 - Protection of Young Persons at Work Places Regulations
S.L. 646.05 - Protection of Maternity at Work Places Regulations
S.L. 646.06 - Work Place (First Aid) Regulations
S.L. 646.08 - Work Place (Minimum Health and Safety Requirements) Regulations
S.L. 646.09 - Work Place (Provision of Health and, or Safety Signs) Regulations
S.L. 646.10 - Protection against Risks of Back Injury at Work Places Regulations
S.L. 646.11 - General Provisions for Health and Safety at Work Places Regulations
S.L. 646.12 - Control of Major Accident Hazard Regulations
S.L. 646.13 - Minimum Requirements for the Use of Personal Protective Equipment at Work Regulations
S.L. 646.24 - Work Equipment (Minimum Safety and Health Requirements) Regulations
S.L. 427.63 - Inspection of Lifts Regulations